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Duelos épicos de trocas de cartas com personagens do Warcraft
attacking your opponent's creatures (or attacking your enemy directly). The magic, on the other hand, lets you take more direct actions. Players face off against one another in individual duels via the Internet. You can also play against the computer if you wish. The most interesting game mode is Arena, where you have to improvise with a deck of cards in the moment and try to survive as many duels as possible with it. The most important part of HearthStone is the combat against other players, but it's not the only thing. Collecting cards is also a very important element, since players are able to buy card packs to create their own decks. To earn money to do this, you can either win battles ... or use real money. HearthStone is an outstanding trading card game, possibly the best of its kind. But the only problem is that it's so incredibly good that it could start to take up too much of your time. (I know from experience.)